Friday, February 24, 2012

Your job? or just you?

"Being going concern in audit is very normal. Everyone has their breaking point. If you want to leave, better do it soon before it damage you forever. "

I found this from my toastmaster club president. It is so true and applicable to not only to auditor but everyone who is working hard now...

Before joining audit, I did expect the workload and the stress. But somehow, after joining, I just realize I over-expect my EQ. I cannot blame 100% to the work. It is my stress management. When being chased by everyone for everything (client, manager, senior, team mates), I was broken. It can be said that I don't know manage my priority or I am still learning it.

During the time, I gained some satisfaction or job achievement after compeleting the tasks but the frustration or depression much over-weigh it. I think, after I strike a balance between the both, I shall be fine. Now learning it........