Saturday, August 24, 2013


比起香港的预告片,我个人比较喜欢这个版本的,更有人情味,又或许是电影里的歌曲。曲名为 The Sound of Silence,演绎者暂时还搞不清楚是哪位女歌手,有人说是出自于波兰女歌手, Ania Dabrowska, 又有人说是出自于姚斯婷版本的。这首歌,配合着一幕一幕温馨的剧情,让原本硬碰硬的拳击平添了几分柔情。


张家辉,从小看他在TVB的连续剧- “天地豪情”、“妙手仁心”、“金装四大才子”的唐伯虎和“天涯侠医”, 还有一连串的搞笑赌神电影。回首一看,原来他今年已46岁了。并不高大威猛的他以这样的年龄速成肌肉型男并不容易,对电影工作的专注认真,实在是让人敬佩。

彭于晏,很多人的印象是在台湾偶像剧。在他的电影演出当中,看过最早期的是”爱的发声练习” (2008), 到后来的“听说”(2009), “夏日悠悠”(2011),到饰演反派的“寒战”(2012)。这年轻小伙子已经31岁了,演技慢慢进步,指日可待。

 李馨巧,年纪轻轻,演技不夸张不做作,希望她一直进步,有一天能够拥有像Natalie Portman* 一样的成就。(*在“这个杀手不太冷”崭露头角,并在“黑天湖”中有着非凡的演技。

  •   第16届上海国际电影节(2013)  金爵奖-最佳男演员  张家辉
  •   第16届上海国际电影节(2013)  金爵奖-最佳女演员  李馨巧
  •   第16届上海国际电影节(2013)  金爵奖-最佳影片(入围)  林超贤


个人影评- 9/10

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

【初戀那件小事】A Little Thing Called Love




Sunday, August 18, 2013


Woahh~ almost been a year I never update here!
During this whole year, things changed, I grew and I learned...

Tonight writing this blog to share a getaway during this weekend. Thanks to the organizing lady, Larnia for the effort and time spent for this awesome getaway. Now only understand better the place while reading on the website at this moment writing the blog.

Saturday noon, all of us gathered at OFFICE before having breakfast (brunch) at 锦选. After that, 20 of us, 5 cars began our journey to Seremban, one of us's hometown.... for the 烧包 and supermarket food hunting!

The road trip took almost one hour then reach our destination,  Awanmulan~~
Such a relaxing place with all the greens and fresh air...

After settled down, girls are busy with the food storing and preparation for night dinner.. Here are the girls~

Wonder where are the boys? Once settled down, all are gathered on a table having the feeling of casino royale..

In the evening, we were at the swimming pool where is the excellent spot for sunset.. First time in my life viewing this awesome sunset...

After all the water games, all of us get ready for tonight! Guys are gentleman volunteering their professional services in starting fire for barbeque and cleaning after dinner.. I personally like the open kitchen very much , everyone can involved in food preparation and enjoy together in food cooking and tasting... Then we spent our late night in some games and alcohol. Even though all of us are in the same department, we never talk and have fun together like this before :)

The next day morning, I woke up early for the sunrise. We had been told by the owner that sunrise is not awesome as sunset but I decided to see and explore by myself.. At 630am, I woke up.. Struggling on the bed should I go by myself since I was the only one woke up or I just continue sleeping due to afraid of being alone.. Finally, I took my phone, open some music to build up some courage..

 I was sitting alone at the living area, calming myself. Listening to the sounds of hornbills (which told by the owner later) and the forest. Everything in nature, is waking up slowly for a new day, start with the sun, the mother of energy...

 Trying to gain more courage, walked up further to our nearest swimming pool to catch on the view of our chalet. The sky is getting brighter....
I prayed to the god to be good with me, putting more courage to walk up further... I met the owner there, talked for awhile. He looked surprised when found out I m from Sabah, the state under the wind.. These pictures were taken at the same place as per the sun set. As per the owner, it is the reflection of sunrise from the opposite side.

I love these reflection pictures very much.

Around 730, it is morning now. Everything, everyone, it is morning and it is a new day. I went back to room and seeing my roomie slept like baby (more accurate, is a sleeping beauty), I continue sleeping till time for breakfast at 830am. Around 1130am, we were packing and is time to go back. Being courtesy, feel like cleaning the kitchen but seems not one interested then gave up (maybe i should follow my heart and insisted doing myself).... Finally the group picture of us!

Once again, thank you everyone for the great weekend! :)