Thursday, March 20, 2014

Young lady is out of town, to the north.



大学,建起了很多栋楼,从以前只有的 block A, B, C, D, E到第三年的 H, I 到现在都到了P,环绕校地。


孔子曰:学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆;爱因斯坦说:一切的科学无非是日日思考所得之精髓。曾经,一位学长说过,在海外求学的我们,会因为太过追崇西洋文化而放弃了原有的东方气节。我们应该在开拓自己的视野同时秉持自己的文化。中西文化,取之精华 去其糟粕。

终于,来到了这栋“北京馆”! 其实这是本大学的毕业礼堂,在我下一届的学弟妹的毕业典礼就开始使用了,在毕业典礼的时候,多了一点校园的回忆。还记得我那一届的毕业典礼,还是在吉隆坡的礼堂进行的,我们大伙儿还特地相约来到大学拍毕业照就为了让毕业照保留大学的记忆。

在校园溜达的期间,碰巧遇上了由爱fm广播员,张吉安主办的乡音采集的讲座-La La Li La Tam Pong。本身,其实是好奇到底张吉安是长什么样子以及说话的模样而跑去听的。在他的分享讲座中,最重要的的讯息是每个在马里西亚的华人有着不同的乡音,而在中国东南方的乡音,很可能已经聚集在讲座的观众里头。在我们每一个家庭中,每个人都可以采集乡音,把上一辈又或是上上一辈的声音做记录,让这些记录了当年记忆的声音流传给每个家庭的下一代,做到记录了自己的根自己的本。

在上传了金宝的照片和在FACEBOOK check-in 意外的和一位久违的朋友,振宁联络上。好久不见的朋友,已有3年没见的朋友,太兴奋了,只能说时间太少,要聊的话题太多了。

在这几天,真的是很感谢puiyee (大学朋友)的照顾。收留了我,带我到处逛,介绍了家里和大学里的朋友们给我认识,还给我带来一趟的咖啡馆之旅。
现在的金宝,真的和以前不一样了,许多精致的咖啡馆像雨后春笋般而立。在今天中午,咖啡店还未开始营业时,我们在Chee Hoe, Puiyee 弟弟(Woodpecker咖啡店的 Barista)的带领下,溜进了咖啡店,看看未开始营业的咖啡店要做的准备工作。从检查工作到烧水,还一边解释我们很多的“什么”和“为是么”,态度是十分认真地。

 The Barista- Chee Hoe

 Caffe mocha~



Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Saying Good Bye in advance!

After so long, im hereby to announce that I had tendered as auditor!

7th Jan 2014 marks my 2 years and 6 months in the firm with all the happiness, sweats and tears! It is very hard for me to come out this decision after thinking over and over again as my mission of staying in the firm for 3 years is just so near, exactly 6 more months to complete.

I like the firm since I had a chance to have a corporate visit in my third year of uni times. It was the first big four firm i had a visit and the HR here are so friendly made us feel so welcomed so as the office environment here is nice. I pushed myself with a goal to pass my degree with flying colour so that I am eligible for the academic requirement here and eventually I really did it!

After few interviews by HR and department managers (I also don't know why), I finally got the job offer which I don't even hesitate to have a second thought to think of other firms. I just pictured myself being here 5 years after in this career as a very successful professional.

Well, things doesn't completely turn into the future how I pictured myself here which I had to say GoodBye here not even 3 years. Honestly, i learned everything about audit from this firm especially few great managers in training and on job who guided me to improve from time to time. I met a lot of great people, like my seniors and friends here who been through two peak period here, turning from a fresh graduate to a better person who I am today. From the yearly promotion list, I felt myself being appreciated and it is definitely a great move to drive me working harder and harder.

However, with a higher position, expectation getting more from everyone, I just don't think I am still the one who I would love to be when I was childhood. I have been working and working and I am still don't know where I am heading to and I am no longer the person who just joined the firm in 13th June 2011 with full of passion and positive energy. 

Everyone has their own time to say Good Bye and have a idea future like. For now, I would like take a short break and planning my future :)